Welcome to Enterprise Europe Network's virtual
Fashion Match Supply 2021
Following the footsteps of previous successful events for the fashion industry under the name "Fashion Match", Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is delighted to invite you to the first ever event dedicated to supply chains in the fashion business, logistics, manufacturing and textiles tracing.
We invite you to be part of this event and its exciting workshops, lectures, discussions as well as matchmakings, that are set to take place from 26-30. April 2021.
Fashion Match Supply is focusing on young entrepreneurs in the international fashion, suppliers and logistics.
Topics addressed:
- Supply chains in fashion industry
- Manufacturing
- Sourcing
- E-commerce and logistics
- Sustainable textile production
We particularly recommend the participation for:
- Fashion Designers/Stylists
- Emerging fashion labels and brands (garments/fashion accessories)
- Manufacturing companies
- Retailers, distributors, sales agents
- Fashion stores, E-commerce Platforms
- Textile suppliers
- Logistics companies
- PR Agencies
- Coaching, marketing and business consultants
- University/R&D Institution looking for new partnerships

The Top 5 objectives to make your stay a success:
- Meet Partners and Customers
- Discover New Products & Services
- Prepare Purchases or Projects
- Meet New Suppliers
- Get Information about latest's trends
Photo credits: pixabay.com; Pexels